

Different Types of Scaffoldings in Construction


Different Types of Scaffoldings in Construction


Imagine a construction site, depicting a chaotic and crowded place filled with machinery and labor force. You are more likely going to conjure up a portrait of unfinished structures, as the workers hang up on that structure and trying to finish as soon as possible. This unfinished structure is known as scaffolding, a temporary structure that build-up for giving support and safety to the construction crew and accessories during the construction process. Scaffolding makes heights and area accessibility possible, that hard to reach and sometimes causes danger for workers and machinery. Scaffolding is not a new form of work to the man-made construction, it dates back to ancient times and commonly believes that many civilizations adapt these scaffolding processes. A rapid construction growth of commercial and residential infrastructure in the United States of America has created an immense impact on the scaffolding industry, as it has generated more revenue and workforce for the sector. The Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ensures the guidelines for the scaffolding industry to prevent any risk to human life and infrastructure.

As compared to early Scaffoldings, it was not a safe practice as it sometimes results in the collapse of building and death of workers, however, advancements in Metal Sciences transform the structure materials, as steel pipes replaced the timber poles that make the temporary structure as concrete and useful for the construction companies.

Types of Scaffolding in Construction

The scaffolding process is an essential component of the construction sites, as many workers around the world, rely upon that, and produce substantial results for the construction companies. The scaffold has revolutionized the construction business, workers on the construction site achieved their purposes easily, and this structure makes an easy life for workers as they can take the support for carrying out the loads from building materials. For this purpose, there are many scaffolding types, depending upon the geographical location and the financial position of specified countries, as in some countries the aluminum is expensive, or in some, the timber. The main reason that these types are available in the market is the choices of architectures and designers made for the regulatory and implication of the projects. These are the following types:

1. Supported Scaffolding

The quality standards set by OSHA requires safety measures and guidelines that need to be followed during the construction process in the United States of America. Supported Scaffolding is built from the ground that accurately supports the structure, using metal tubes and couplers that are mainly used in the United States as compared to bamboo structures that mainly available in Asian Countries. The supported scaffold has revolutionized the construction business, workers on the construction site achieved their purposes easily, and this structure makes an easy life for workers as they can take the support for carrying out the loads from building materials.

Safety: Supported Scaffolding ensures the safety of the workers. The platforms supported by the trigger, beams, poles, and frames minimize the risk of scaffolding injuries. Its working platform is planked to the guardrails, and Planks are over layered on the support.

Flexibility: Supported scaffolding ensures the options of flexibility in assembling and dissembling, while during the assembling, an extra level can be added on reaching each floor; that works opposite in the dissembling process. This type of scaffolding has a more vital benefit as compare to other types of scaffolding, pre-engineering components consist of the vertical and horizontal parts joint together in a systematic way.

2. Suspended Scaffolding

The platform in this type of scaffold is suspended by a cable wire that allows the platform to maintain its height to any extent. Suspended scaffolding usage is required for any two-story or 10 story buildings. This scaffold usually helped window cleaners to work easily and safely on skyscrapers. Suspended scaffold ensures safety with its feature of ‘’Secure Anchorage’’. A suspended scaffold is designed in a way that can be raised and lowered during the task occupied by workers or materials. Its weight is highly supported by its structure that attaches to each of the scaffold components. The main feature of the scaffold is mentioned below.

Anchorage: According to OSHA standards scaffold are functional to the fall arrest system and its security and safety is ensured by its anchorage. Proprietary links should be fixed with anchors approved by the producer of the tie, which should take account of the loading details. These will be attached with internal eye diameters of 20-24 mm to the eye style fixings

Flexibility: flexibility of the suspended scaffold can be extended from 3 to 72 feet, even more, depending upon the features. Its four sides are attached by the rope, however, to create more safe space and high risk on skyscrapers, the sides usually attach along with steel chains.

3. Mobile Scaffolding

Mobile scaffolds are used for large construction sites, where multiple projects are taking place, their mobility and multi-function feature help workers to change position easily as they set on wheel and carters. Mobile scaffold’s usage is mainly on working sites for plastering and painting purposes, OSHA required the workers to ensure the lock of Casters and wheels during the work, In case of any incident. This scaffold can contain as much heavy load and structures as possible. Made upon the Galvanized steel, this structure establishes several standards for the construction. When it comes to the initial outlay, mobile scaffolding towers are far more cost-efficient. A higher structure will find that the initial cost of purchasing a mobile scaffold is much lower than the purchase of a full scaffold system.

Structure: The structure is usually made up of an aluminum body while the height can be extended to a maximum of 12 meters. Its structure is easy to assemble and disassemble and doesn’t remove before moving.

Flexibility: Unlike other scaffolds, the mobile scaffold does not need extensive manpower; it may easily dissemble by 1 person if standards required by OSHA are followed.


Scaffolds are the most important factors in the construction business, as it’s easily joined together with the building to any extent of height. Stay tuned for more interesting topics for a construction-geek like you!

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